Research Themes
Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Enhanced Water-Flooding Through Modification of Injection-Brine
- CO2 EOR- Mobility and Conformance Control
- Chemical/Polymer Flooding of Heavy Oil Reservoirs: Application of Nanoparticles
- Oilfield Nanoparticles
- Research Projects

Drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing and Acid Treatment Research
- Application of Nanoparticles and Nanoproppants In Hydraulic Fracturing and Drilling of Shale Reservoirs
- Development of Environmentally- and Equipment-Friendly Alternatives for Acid-Based Fracturing Fluids
- Waterless/Foam Fracturing
- Simulation Study of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Cleanup in Tight Unconventional Reservoirs
- Reservoir Stimulation for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Research Projects

Unconventional Resources
- Characterization and Simulation of Tight Organic-Rich Resources
- Fluid Flow Through Nano-Sized Pores
- EOR for Shale Oil Reservoirs: Gas Huff-N-Puff and Wettability Alteration
- HPHT Gas Adsorption
- Choke Management
- Development of Deep Reservoirs for Enhanced Geothermal Purposes
- Research Projects