Drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing and Acid Treatment

Research Projects:
Title: Application of Nanoparticles In Hydraulic Fracturing of Shale Reservoirs
Award: New Faculty General Research Fund
Funding Agency: KU Research and Graduate Studies
Duration: March 2013-March 2015
Title: Dual Application of Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles as Enzyme Breaker Carriers and Fluid Loss Additives for Fracturing Fluids
Award: Junior Faculty Research Initiation Fellowship
Funding Agency: Society of Petroleum Engineers
Duration: Dec. 2012-Dec.2014
Title: A New Environmentally- and Equipment-Friendly Blend for Matrix Acidizing and Acid Fracturing of the Mississippian Limestone Formation
Duration: Oct. 2012- Oct. 2018
CT images of two Indiana Limestone Cores matrix acidized with UltraFrack (LHS), an environmentally friendly product with slower rate of reaction, and 15% HCl (RHS). Please open with IE if Mozilla does not open the videos. CT images are taken by the Piri Research Group at the University of Wyoming.
CT images of Indiana Limestone Cores matrix acidized with UltraFrack (LHS) and Acid Fracturing of the Mississippian Limestone Formation
Title: Simulation Study of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Cleanup in Tight Unconventional Reservoirs.
Funding Agency: KICC
Duration: Jan.2014-May 2015
Title: Improving Water Management, Treatment and Recovery in Oil and Gas Production.
Funding Agency: NSF-EPSCoR
Duration: August 2016- August 2020
Title: HPHT Matrix Acidizing Technologies for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2020-2021
Title: Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Fluid-Fluid and Rock-Fluid Compatibility between Arbuckle and Lansing Kansas City Formations with the Purpose of Produced Water-Exchange Between the Two Formations to Reduce both Fresh Water Usage and Water Disposal Problems
Funding Agency: KWRI
Duration: 2020-2022
Title: HPHT Gas Adsorption/Competetative Adsorption in Haynesville Formation
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2021-2022
Title: Improvement of Polyacrylamide Emulsion Formation Process for EOR, Fracturing and Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production Purposes
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2021-2022
Title: Screening and Investigation of Kansas Reservoirs for CCUS and Future Development of Mature Oil Fields in Kansas
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2021-2022
Research Equipment:
- Fracture Conductivity Setup for Hydraulic Fracturing and Acid Fracturing Studies
- HPHT Coreflooding Setup for Formation Damage and Matrix Acidizing
- Dynamic and Static Fluid Loss Systems with Two Shear Loops
- HPHT CO2-Foam Fracturing Setup with Flow Loop, View Cell, Dynamic Fluid Loss, and Sand Pack Modules
- HPHT Interfacial Tension Angle Measurement Setup
- HPHT Rheometer for Fracturing Fluids and Foam Studies
- HPHT Rotating Disc Acid Reaction and Corrosion System
- HPHT Gas Huff-n-Puff Setup for Shale IOR
- HPHT Gas Adsorption/Competative Adsorption Testing
- Rotary Evaporator for Emulsion Dewatering (Polymer Testing)