Enhanced Oil Recovery

Research Projects:
Title:Nanoparticles for CO2 foam Stabilization
Funding Agency: KICC
Duration: 2015- 2018
Title:Understanding the Underlying Mechanisms of Low Salinity and Modified Salinity Water-Flooding Processes for Limestone Formations
Funding Agency: KICC
Duration: 2014- 2019
Title: Recovery Potential of Chemical Flood for Heavy Oil San Miguel Reservoirs in Trinity Field, TX- Experimental & Numerical Analysis
Funding Agency: Quadrant Energy
Duration: 2014- 2016
Title: Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Fluid-Fluid and Rock-Fluid Compatibility between Arbuckle and Lansing Kansas City Formations with the Purpose of Produced Water-Exchange Between the Two Formations to Reduce both Fresh Water Usage and Water Disposal Problems
Funding Agency: KWRI
Duration: 2020-2022
Title: HPHT Gas Adsorption/Competetative Adsorption in Haynesville Formation
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2021-2022
Title: Improvement of Polyacrylamide Emulsion Formation Process for EOR, Fracturing and Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production Purposes
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2021-2022
Title: Screening and Investigation of Kansas Reservoirs for CCUS and Future Development of Mature Oil Fields in Kansas
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2021-2022
Title: Reservoir Simulation Investigation of Co2 Water-alternating-gas In Morrow Fluvial Sandstones of Stewart Field, Kansas
Funding Agency: Industry
Duration: 2022-2023
Research Equipment:
- Amott Imbibition Cells
- HPHT Coreflooding Setup for EOR: CO2 Flooding, CO2 Foam Flooding, Chemical/Polymer Flooding, and Water Flooding
- Dean Stark Distillation for Water-Oil Extraction from Whole Core Samples
- HPHT Interfacial Tension and Contact Angle Measurement Setup
- HPHT Rheometer for EOR Fluids and Foam Studies
- HPHT Gas Huff-n-Puff Setup for Shale IOR
- Dynamic Aging System for Core Samples
- HPHT Gas Adsorption/Competative Adsorption Testing
- Rotary Evaporator for Emulsion Dewatering (Polymer Testing)